
A triple-amputee war veteran uses Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as a way to grapple with the difficulties of life, but an experienced warrior knows that the most difficult battles are within yourself.

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About Joey

Joey Bozik joined the US Army in 2000 and completed tours is Afghanistan and Iraq. While deployed in 2004, his vehicle hit an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) where he subsequently lost both of his legs and one arm. Joey later crossed paths with BJJ Black Belt Alan Shebaro, who introduced him to the art of Jiu-Jitsu. Together, they founded the "We Defy Foundation".

We Defy Foundation

Founded by Joey Bozik and Alan Shebaro. A non-profit organization that sponsors Jiu-Jitsu for combat disabled veterans and victims of military sexual assault. The organization has provided scholarships for over 300 veterans to date.